March 13th, 2020 my squad received an email that we were being pulled off the field immediately. This was entirely unexpected for us as going home wasn’t something we had even discussed. Granted, we were in West Africa with little understanding of, or access to, info about the virus and what was happening in the outside world. 


Three of my friends and I were in a coffee shop because it was an off day from ministry when we received the email. We looked at each other in disbelief, talked in circles, stared blankly at the wall, and ultimately decided it was probably time to go back to our teams to process this information with them. 


A handful of hours and a night full of tears later, we were on a plane straight from Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire to New York. I spent about a week at my sweet friend Adi’s house in Georgia where we all slept on the floor and just kind of existed in our brokenness for a little while. Coming home was incredibly difficult but I’m forever thankful I was able to do it with my sweet friends April, Adi, Kristen, Catherine, and Zach.


photo taken in the JFK airport on our way to Atlanta (I think)


We are coming up on a year since we received that email. And as that year anniversary draws close, I’m approaching the end of my time on the field with G squad. When I came off the field then, I never would have imagined what the Lord had for me next. Squad Leading for G squad has been the sweetest season. This time my homecoming is planned, but I’ve found it harder than I thought it would be. 


By the time I leave the field with G Squad I will have spent about one week longer with them than I did with my original squad. My time with my sweet Z squad ended with us mourning our loss and doing our best to readjust and process. And honestly it included a whole lot of tears.


My time with G Squad will end with a mini debrief where we will raise up new squad leaders and have team changes. We will celebrate all that they have already done; all the ways they’ve grown, the things they have overcome and all the freedom they have walked into. We will celebrate all the ways they have empowered one another and all the ways they are going to continue to do so. We will celebrate all that is to come as they continue in what the Lord has called them to. More growth, more freedom, more more truth, more adventures. 


It’s been a privilege to walk part of this journey alongside them. It’s also really really sweet to be able to end in celebration as sort of a redemption – or maybe a renewal – of being pulled off the first time. It will still be hard and there will likely still be tears on my part. But if I learned anything the first time around, it’s that He is Good. 



With all the love,





There may be more to come about this as I continue to process the end of this season, thanks for following along and partnering with me on this adventure.