Everywhere we go there are little hands and little feet. 


Little feet that run towards us and little hands that reach out for high fives or to wave.


Little feet that will carry these little people far. Little hands that will make big things one day.


There are little eyes that watch so closely, that squint with smiles and laughter. 


Little eyes that give you a glimpse into their souls. Joy, sadness, brokenness, hope.


Through five different countries, I’ve met little hands and little feet that are so drastically different yet so wildly similar.


Little hands that just want to hold yours. Little feet that jump for joy.


Everywhere we go there are little hearts.


Little hearts longing to be seen and loved. Little hearts that carry not so little burdens.


Little hearts that are full of big dreams. Little hearts that long for something more.


Through five different countries, I’ve met little hearts that are so drastically different yet so wildly similar.


Little hearts full of big feelings. Little hearts that just need the love of Christ.


And who knows, when those little hearts meet the love of Christ, those little hands and little feet just might change the entire world.