If I don’t go, who will?

Who will feed the old woman
Who’s sitting on the stoop in some
Guatemalan shanty town
Or the man begging
On the side of the road in
Quito, Ecuador
Who will dare to touch the kids with lice
And give them hugs and kisses and
Tell them they are nice
God’s children who are worth
Far more than rocks in the street or
Pieces of dirt stuck to their tiny, shoeless feet

Who will go?

Will you go?

Please tell me who can help
Who has time to pack their lives and
Leave behind the good ‘ole USA
Who is willing to say goodbye
To fast food and Sunday brunches
And everything lap and luxury have to offer
Who is willing to give it all up
And give it all away
Just to live out of a suitcase…

Or, a backpack

And a tent

For 11 months

Who wants to live life this way
Just so someone else can eat
And someone else can say
“I made it. I survived the day.”

Who will do this? Who?

I will

I will help the old woman
Who’s sitting on that stoop in the
Poorest district of Guatemala
I’ll hold her hand and talk to her
I’ll say prayers of hope and love for her
I’ll feed her, yes
I will go to the man in Quito
The one standing on the side of the road
Who’s dirty, dusty, head to toe
Who doesn’t know how to ask
God or Jesus Christ for help
Who may not even know
How to write the name GOD
But I can teach him

I’m willing to teach him

I will hug the little boys and girls
And show them what their
Lives are really worth
I’m willing to take some risks
And give up everything I have
And give up all security
And everything this world once
Meant to me

Yes, I will do it

I will go

Because if I don’t go, who will?

“I knew you before I formed you in your mother’s womb. Before you were born I set you apart and appointed you as my prophet to the nations.” Jeremiah 1:5