Important note about this blog post:


I’ve shared dreams, visions, and prophetic words on here before. Recently, I felt led to share a few more and to encourage readers to be prayerful, wise, and discerning during these times. 


I cannot stress this enough, especially as the days grow darker: PEOPLE ARE NOT TRUSTWORTHY. GOD ALONE IS TRUSTWORTHY.


The human heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked. Who can know it? – Jeremiah 17:9


Community is important. Friendships and family are important. But these are not things we can lean on. We should be able to lean on them, but we simply can’t 100% of the time because we live in a fallen world, and people are broken, sinful, and fallible. The moral compass of many is twisted.


But God is good all the time, and He’s eternal. He will never leave us nor forsake us. He is for us, not against us. 


When you read this post, please, I encourage you, seek God about these things for yourself. You don’t need a pastor or priest in order to have a relationship with Him. Jesus Christ is our High Priest. He is God, and His finished work on the Cross bridges the gap (sin) that separates us from Him.


Ask Jesus for wisdom. Ask Him for confirmation and direction. Do not entrust yourself to any human, not me or anyone else. That’s idolatry. I try my best to interpret and share what I’ve seen/heard from the Holy Spirit, but our faith and hope must be in Christ alone. 

When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze. – Isaiah 43:2


May 30, 2020: I had been feeling like I needed to spend time with the Lord and talk to Him about some things I was struggling with.


Afterward, I was very encouraged and asked Him to show me anything He wanted to show to me or to speak whatever He wanted to speak. I’d been praying about several issues, specifically the pandemic and a trip to Europe that had been canceled, and I hoped I might receive guidance on some of those things. 


Instead, I had a strange vision. 


In the vision, a huge, bulky mass began to form. I wondered if this was a body of water, but it looked more like a blob without any defined shape.


As this mass crossed my vision, moving from right to left, I saw the Lord directly in front of me. His hands were cupped, palms up, and He began to scoop something up the way someone might scoop up sand or dirt.


(Side note: This wasn’t a mental picture or some kind of night vision/dream. It was daytime, my eyes were closed, and I watched the vision unfold as if the images had been projected onto the backs of my eyelids — the way a film projector might cast light and images onto a movie screen.)


The Lord did this scooping motion several times as the mass moved across my vision, again and again. I didn’t count the number of times this happened, but I did notice the mass was fast-moving. Very fast. 


As this happened a final time, the mass crashed into the Lord’s hands. He wasn’t shaken or bothered. He simply continued to draw His hands up one last time, and the mass broke apart and disintegrated. 


I didn’t understand what I had just seen (my brain couldn’t process it), so I asked Him for clarity. The Holy Spirit said: “Destruction is coming. But I have you in My hands.”


Riots and looting were just beginning to unfold in Minneapolis, and they spread across the country throughout the summer, but I never got the sense that we (as a nation) had seen the fulfilment of that vision/prophetic word, not even as the riots piqued and then subsided. 


During Sukkot (one of the Jewish Fall feasts), still in 2020, I had a vision of God’s hand (just one) facing palm-down. The hand moved forward, as if to cover something, and the Holy Spirit said: “A covering for My church.”


Some friends explained that this was the meaning of Sukkot (also called the feast of tabernacles). The Jews were celebrating the way God had helped them during their trial in the wilderness. His protection (or covering) is what the tabernacle symbolizes. 


I was reminded of the vision I had back in May and realized the message was the same. Trials will come, but God can provide a covering for His people. This doesn’t mean we will evade the trial. It simply means He’ll be with us through it. He will help us. 


Fast forward to 2021: Many people assumed the worst was behind us, but I continued to believe that the worst lay ahead. Based on what I was sensing in the spiritual realm, as well as the teachings of Jesus, it seemed that 2021 was more of a respite, a moment to catch our breath and get ready for the next big crisis (or crises) to come.


As Jesus was sitting on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to him privately. “Tell us,” they said, “when will this happen, and what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age?”

Jesus answered: “Watch out that no one deceives you. For many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I am the Messiah!’ and will deceive many. You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of birth pains. – Matthew 24:3-8


When a pregnant woman goes into labor, her contractions become more frequent and more intense. That’s what I believe we’ve been experiencing with these regional, national, and worldwide crises — types of “birth pains,” as Jesus referred to them, with respites in between.


If this is true, and I really believe it is, then these types of events will not just become more intense but also more frequent (and the respites in between will, unfortunately, become shorter and shorter).


Fast forward to 2022: Our church started the year with a churchwide fast, and during one evening service, as I was praying, I felt like the Lord said that I needed to get my house in order. More recently (also while fasting and praying), I heard: “A trial is coming, a fiery trial.”



I wondered if the trial was a personal one, but I’m concerned it may be for our whole nation. Multiple states are legalizing infanticide (pure evil being encoded in law), and others are heading in that direction. You can read about that here and here.


(Side note: Mainstream media outlets are downplaying these things, claiming they’re “fake news” or that they’re taken out of context, but you can read the bills/laws for yourself. Proponents of abortion have been talking about “after-birth abortion” for a while, and they carefully pad their language with euphemisms to make these things sound more humane.)



I don’t yet know exactly what these visions and warnings are pointing to, but I suspect that whatever it is, it’s going to thrust us into the above-mentioned fiery trial.


All that can be shaken is being shaken. Many will not expect it. Many will not be prepared. May God have mercy on us.


Here are some encouraging Scriptures to cling to when things get hard. Keep them handy and read through them whenever you can, even if it’s just one verse here or there: 


Psalm 91 (the entire psalm)
Psalm 46:1-3
Philippians 4:19
Psalm 32:7-8
Psalm 23 (the entire psalm)
1 Peter 5:7
1 Peter 1:6-7
Joshua 1:8-9
Romans 8:28
Nehemiah 8:10
Isaiah 41:10
Isaiah 26:3-4
Isaiah 43:1-3
Deuteronomy 31:8
John 14:27
Proverbs 3:4-5
James 1 (the entire chapter)
We must get our houses in order. I believe that is the message for all of us right now. Be prepared spiritually, in the Lord, but don’t ignore if He’s nudging you to get prepared in other ways, too. Don’t discard that kind of message just because God “can” supernaturally provide.
Yes, God can supernaturally provide. He has always been able to do that, and yet Jesus Himself pointed out that apart from the prophet Elijah, there was only one person in all of Israel (the widow of Zarapheth) who was the beneficiary of His supernatural provision during the two-year drought when Ahab and Jezebel reigned. 
So don’t panic…but also don’t be foolish.
Listen to what the Holy Spirit is saying now, right now, specifically for you and your family/loved ones. 
Get right with God. Humble yourself. Repent and turn back to Him — that’s not just a message for you but also for me. FOR ALL OF US. We all need to repent of selfishness and sin and to continue bearing fruit of repentance in our lives.
Ask Him if this will be a “fish and loaves” season where He will supernaturally provide and/or multiply whatever you have, or if you should implement the wisdom of Joseph, who stored up grain in preparation for the 7-year drought and famine in Egypt.
Is it time to work hard like the ant, as the author of proverbs talks about, or should you be focusing on drawing close to God through prayer, fasting, study of the Word, silence, and other spiritual disciplines? Maybe He’ll tell you to do both, all of the above. Find out by inquiring of Him.
God has a message for you, specifically for you, in this hour. Take a moment to connect with Him and hear what He’s saying. It could be critical (God forbid, it could be life or death).
If you struggle to hear God’s voice, there’s a great book by Seth Barnes called THE ART OF LISTENING PRAYER. If you prefer a free resource, Seth discusses the the concept of “listening prayer” on his blog.
Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.” Isaiah 30:21