March 1, 2022: While praying, I felt like the Lord said: “A trial is coming, a fiery trial.” 


I wasn’t sure if this is just for me or our region, maybe our nation. But I did notice the spiritual pressure in the atmosphere became heavier, and a dream soon followed. 


One week later (the night of March 6/early morning March 7), I had a dream that I was in Texas and realized a tornado was approaching. When I woke up, I thought to myself, A storm is coming. Then I heard: “The storm has started.”


Really felt like this dream was from the Lord and then (in real life) there was a tornado outbreak in Texas just two weeks later (March 21-23). 


In the dream, the wind was coming from the north, which I believe is symbolic of hard/bitter times (like a bitter-cold winter). I believe calamity, or perhaps a series of calamities, is on the way–not necessarily natural disasters, but perhaps. Or perhaps it’s a mixture (natural disasters, economic crises, food shortages as some of our leaders have mentioned, or any number of other things). 


I don’t know what this is going to look like, but I’m preparing spiritually by praying and fasting and drawing close to the Lord and I’m also buying extra canned goods. The thing is, if there are food shortages in conjunction with inflation, the cost of food will increase exponentially. But investing in food now will allow me to get the food at the price it costs now. I would encourage y’all to do the same, but more than anything, I want to encourage y’all to draw close to God and be prepared spiritually.


We are not promised tomorrow. Don’t wait to get right with God. Jesus’s finished work on the Cross paid the penalty for our sin. It’s a gift, and we can legally, in God’s court, be released from the judgment we deserve if we received that gift. We can’t work off the debt. We can’t make up for it in any way. It literally took God Himself coming as the person of Jesus, living a selfless / sinless life, being beaten and bloodied and crucified on a cross (undeservedly), and then rising again from the dead three days later.


THAT is what was required for our sin to be forgiven. Because sin is so pervasive, even things we think aren’t a big deal, and we simply have no way to pay for it because we ourselves are filled with sin. 


But if we turn away from our sin and open our hearts to Jesus, professing with our mouths that He is God and believing it in our hearts, WE WILL BE SAVED no matter what kind of darkness befalls us or whatever crisis comes our way. Salvation comes through no one else, no other name, except His, and you don’t have to just take my word for it. You don’t! If you pray to God, in the name of Jesus, He PROMISES to answer as a way to confirm that Jesus really is who He says He is.


Remember: when all else fails, Jesus can help where people can’t or won’t. God bless you and may He help us. 


Rend your heart and not your garments. Return to the Lord your God, for he is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love, and he relents from sending calamity. Who knows? He may turn and relent and leave behind a blessing—grain offerings and drink offerings for the Lord your God. – Joel 2:13-14