Yes? I knew it!

Who doesn’t love a good t-shirt, ya know? 

This post is to announce what will likely be my last big fundraising effort: these awesome tee’s and v-necks!

The Lord is bringing me so close to being fully funded. God told me I would be able to raise the $16,000 by the time I leave in September, and I know He is faithful. I am getting so close and it has been so fun to watch happen knowing I didn’t do a thing. This is not happening because I am “good” at fundraising, but because I am trying my hardest to be obedient to a God who himself is Goodness.

I need to sell 75 of these puppies to meet my goal. Want to get in on that? 

Place your order right here! They’re 20 bucks. ($23 if you need me to ship it to ya!) And did I mention they’re comfort color? 😉

Available in regular tee-faire and classy v-neck versions. 

Here it is friends!



 Uplifted by Psalm 136 today. No matter what’s going on in our changing, fragile, and fleeting lives, God’s character doesn’t change. He IS good. He can’t change who He is. He never fails. He always wins. He is always good. 

Praise the Lord! He is good.
God’s love never fails.

Praise the God of all gods.
God’s love never fails.

Praise the Lord of lords.
God’s love never fails.

Only God works great miracles.
God’s love never fails.

With wisdom he made the sky.
God’s love never fails.

The Lord stretched the earth
over the ocean.

God’s love never fails.
He made the bright lights
in the sky.

God’s love never fails.

He lets the sun rule each day.

God’s love never fails.
He lets the moon and the stars
rule each night.

God’s love never fails.