I’m Kati, a Wisconsin born, Seattle raised, and SoCal living gal. I read the news every morning with my black coffee (for fun), I’ll gladly rewatch any Christopher Nolan, Marvel Cinematic Universe, or Robin Williams movies, and I can name all the NFL teams in a minute (or less). I like creating – with photography, writing, dancing, graphics, wood work, embroidery, ukulele strumming or anything else really, and I have big dreams of writing a book someday. My life has been like a cat living seven lives – I’ve traveled the east coast on a tour bus, studied abroad in Serbia, and was once my college mascot. But that’s enough small talk – I’d rather be interested than interesting. 

All I want is to find where my greatest passion meets the world’s greatest need. And with that posture, I have been called to serve with The World Race. Here are some pieces that led me here:

My sweet & supportive family:

My dad, older brother, me, and my mom in Whistler, Canada.

My love for adventure (enneagram 7, baby).

Trekking through Bryce Canyon National Park in Utah.

My passion for storytelling, thanks to dance:

After all… it was one of my college majors.

My longing to bring Heaven closer to Earth:

Thanks, Mother Teresa. Ask me about this sign if you have a couple hours and a cup of coffee.

Here’s to serving with the August 2019 Expedition Squad! 

“Then he said to them all: ‘Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me.'” Luke 9:23