Holy smokes! I finished G42. I experienced so much in the last nine months and have more than enough information to chew on for the rest of my life!!

In the last year I’ve gone from a broken girl who wasn’t sure of her call, who she was or what life was going to look like. I’m walking out of G42 as a woman with a sense of who I am and for sure what my calling is– still have no idea what life is supposed to look like, but what is life without a bit of mystery?! 

My greatest calling in life is to be full of God’s love and truth and share that with everyone I come in contact with. 

With that I prayed a lot into what is next for me and even chased a few rabbit trails. Finally after a TON of conversations and lots of prayers I can confidently say my next step is to Squad Lead for the World Race. 

On July 28th I’ll be in Gainesville, GA for squad leader training and then head out to the first five countries of one of the squads leading in August. I currently don’t know which squad I’ll be launching with, but the strangest thing is I love them all so much already. In this role I get to live along side a group of people learning, living and growing to become like Christ on the same journey I started four years ago. 

Discipleship has become such an important part of my life and has been what has truly changed me from the inside out, in this role I’m going to get to help disciple my squad and learn what it truly means to make disciples. I am excited to live out my calling– to see people, to get to know people, to share the Father’s heart with people. I’m excited to watch my squad become Kingdom people. It’s going to be an incredible five months and I cannot wait to begin this journey. 

To walk alongside my squad for the full 11 months, the first five being on the field with them I need to raise $6,500. My first five months are $3,500. In month eight and month 11 I have the opportunity to travel to them and help debrief their months in-between and each debrief cost $1,500. To help with this goal tap that support me tab on the side of this screen! 

So much love, 
