This week has been one of the toughest of my college career, and it’s only Thursday.

Let’s start from the beginning. On Monday, I officially moved out my college town and back in with my parents. This was totally my idea for the purpose of saving money, but the events that took place later in this week have me wanting to be nowhere but Edmond.

Tuesday evening I was sitting at my parents eating dinner when I get a text from one my regular babysitting gigs, asking if we were still on for that night. Well, needless to say, I wrote down the wrong date and was not in Edmond. Nevertheless, I made it work, and I’m glad I did.

After I got the kids bathed, the baby her last bottle and them both asleep, I sat down on the couch and started playing on my phone. When I was on Facebook, I kept seeing praying for the men of Sigma Tau Gamma, Sig Tau for life and many similar posts. I have two little bros in that house so I immediately grew concerned and text one asking if he and his co were okay. They both were physically okay, but told me that one of their brothers had passed away unexpectedly. I cannot imagine what it is like to lose a brother, but to see the way these boys and our Greek community have come together has been so humbling and heartwarming in a time of heartbreak and sadness. 

Zach, you are truly missed. The impact you’ve had on your brothers, friends and me is so apparent. There are so many unanswered questions, but I know God has a plan. We may never know why certain things like this happen, but I do know that it has brought people together to show love to those who need it most. 

But that doesn’t even concluded the events of early this week. Yesterday I was at work trying to block everything out to wrap up my projects (my internship is over next Friday. Hello unemployment [yet another stressor]) and I get a notification on Facebook from a sorority sister posting in our group about another fraternity, Alpha Tau Omega, lost a member as well. Unlike Zach, I never knew Dalton, but I have seen pictures and heard from friends that knew him and the Greek community at Central truly lost two amazing members. 

The events of this week have taught me so much: I need to live my life so that it’s glorifying God in every way, I shouldn’t take anyone for granted because you never know when something will happen and most importantly, I feel, is that I need to make the focus of my life loving others. Make sure everyone I love, knows that and they truly feel it, not just hear it. 

God has shown me that while we may not know why things happen, he has a plan and purpose. 

One verse in particular has come to mind so many times this week. 

“Little children, you are from God and have overcome them, for he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.” 1 John 4:4—Through this I’m reminded that God gives us the strength to overcome. He is there for our deepest lows and for the highest highs. I find so much comfort in the fact, that with God I overcome any obstacle, event if it is hard. 

As I being preparing for my World Race, I’m reminded that there are going to be things that are out my control and this week has been a true reminder of that.