“By the grace of God,” has easily become a theme of this month of Un(Known)sung Heros.

This month has been the biggest test of trust in the Lord I’ve had since coming on the race. When we started our trek to Bolivia we didn’t know how we were going to get to Chile, when we would get to Chile, where were going to stay once we got to Chile or even who we would end up meeting and what contacts we would be able to make here 

Very quickly the Lord has answered all of those questions!

Lets start with how the Lord has protected our every step. From La Paz, Bolivia to Santiago, Chile, we had a 45-hour bus trip (in addition to the 50 hour bus we had to La Paz). Our first bus was an over night bus, where we had to completely get off the bus twice, experienced 90 degrees for hours on the bus, and even being dropped off on the side of the road in the wee hours of the morning. Thankfully, the Lord provided a female taxi driver that would take USD because that was all we had, and a stellar bus station to hang out in for nearly nine more hours. After another 20+ hour bus ride we made it Santiago, but no place to stay!

After a little over an hour of research, we found all the hostels were booked because of a music festival in town, but we were blessed with a parent of a teammate with points for a hotel room for the night for all of us! After a few nights at the hotel the Lord provided an amazing camp to make home for the rest of the month. We are staying at Palabra de Vida (Word of Life) camp on the outskirts of Santiago with easy access to the city for meetings with potential partners, wifi, or anything we find we need!

As far as potential partners for AIM we’ve had several meetings that have gone better than we could have ever imagined or hoped. The Lord has absolutely provided everything we need and the people we are meant to talk with. We have about a week and half left and we really feel like the Lord is calling us to stay in Santiago and work here more.

This month has been a major lesson in trusting in the Lord. I’ve never been someone who is okay without having a plan or not knowing what the next day holds. That is everything we are doing this month, but the Lord has provided every step of the way. We now have just a little over a week left in Chile and doing Unsung. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers.

We are so happy to be advancing the kingdom in such a unique way this month, and we know the Lord will continue to move and show himself! Anything else that comes our way is surely going to make us smile and simply say, “By the grace of God.”