If you have made it here to this blog you likely have heard that I AM GOING ON THE WORLD RACE! This is a mission trip through the organization Adventures in Missions where I will have the opportunity to travel for 11 months to 11 different countries and meet thousands of people who I will be able to serve and share the love of Jesus with! Wow! I still can’t believe it myself sometimes! 

I will leave January 2019 and will go to the following countries: Cote d’Ivoire, Ghana, Togo, Myanmar, Thailand, Malaysia, Philippines, Argentina, Chile, Bolivia, and Peru. 

So we have the who, what, where, and when, all we’re missing is the why. Why am I doing this? Well there are several reasons and they all begin and end with God. 

1. I am called. I have been called (as every Christian is) to serve and share the gospel. But also, I have been praying for several months now, asking God what He wants me to do next. I have spent many hours in conversation with the Lord and in my Bible trying to discern what His will is and how I can best be used to glorify Him. I believe that this trip is an answer to that prayer! 

2. For a little while now I have had this overwhelming desire to be CHANGED. It’s a hard feeling to explain. I am broken and I will be broken until I reach heaven but I desire so badly for God to do a work in me and make me DIFFERENT. I want Him to mold me into who He wants me to be. I desire a complete 180 degree change so that I can say, “I am amazed at who I am in Christ and how different that is from who I used to be. What amazing changes God has made in my life!” I know that He has already done great works in me and has changed me from who I used to be. I also know He’s not done and I have long way to go. I am so ready to take some big steps into looking more like Christ. I also know that can be done in many different ways and I don’t have to leave the country for God to work in my life; however, I feel like taking away so many of my earthly comforts and following Christ will really allow me to be able to focus on Him. 

3. Most importantly, My team and I will come into contact with thousands of people who we will have the chance to impact for the glorification of God. Like I said, this all begins and ends with God. I want every single second of preparing for and going on this trip to be glorifying to God.


You have to opportunity to join me in this great adventure in several ways. I will be documenting this trip and it’s preparation here on this blog which you can get emailed to you each I time I post something new. This is important to me because I can’t do this alone. I need people to come along side me to support me. The best way for you to do so is to PLEASE BE PRAYING! Pray for me, my teammates, all the people we will meet, and the work we will do. This trip will not be possible without God so I think it makes since to talk to Him about it. Your prayers make a difference in my life and lives of so many more. Also as you can see at the top of my blog page I have a bit of funds to raise. You can always come here to katiehammond.theworldrace.org to donate or become a monthly donor. I have no doubt God will gather all things I need to be able to do this trip the way He wants me to. 

That’s all I got. Thanks for joining in this journey with me! I know it’s going to be better than I could ever imagine!