Our main ministry this month has been teaching English. And
while teaching English might be one of my least favorite things in the world to
do, I have gotten to see how God can use it in amazing ways. The reason our
Pastor has us teaching English, is because he knows that the people in
Chathaburi are hungry to learn English. So while he can’t get them to come to
church for a church service, he knows that they are more than willing to come
if they are going to be able to learn English. And knowing English gives people
a little step up that most people in this area don’t have.  Then, once the people show up to
English class, Pastor’s hope is that first, they will just see that we live
differently, and that is the first way we minister. Then secondly, after having
a few classes, we can incorporate more testimonies and prayer. Thirdly, his
main goal with the English classes are just to build good relationships with
the people that will open the door for ministry later on.

really sold me on what a good idea this whole English class thing was when a
monk showed up. That’s right, we have a monk coming to our night time English
class in a Methodist church. Our pastor drives to the temple and picks him up,
and he comes in his little monk robe and everything. How awesome is God?