We packed our lives into our little silver Corolla Sunday
night and drove a solid 13 hours on busy highways from Chicago to Georgia yesterday
morning.  We tried to be careful in
choosing what we would bring, but when push came to shove, we had to remove four
boxes at the last minute.  I tried not to
look too closely at what I was leaving behind-I mean who needs a sweatshirt in
the south?  However,
if you come
to visit us, you’ll have to bring your own cup because we only managed to fit
in two.  

There are a
lot of unknowns in our future.  We don’t
have a place to live [yet].  We don’t
know what our daily life is going to look like at the office.  We’ve been eating oranges and peanut butter
sandwiches for the past four meals.   And
I already have what remains of our whole wheat bread ready for dinner.  Nevertheless, compared to goat intestines,
this still echoes of gourmet!

Although I
expect to live like this when we travel, it sure seems strange to do it on this
side of the ocean.   I kind of like
it.  I think we were born for this. 

we’re going apartment, trailer park, basement or garage shopping.  Whatever we can find.  Then we’ll get to unpack our overstuffed car
and set up our home.  It’s been quite a while since I’ve used that
term with any semi-permanent meaning.  If
it’s big enough we’d love to have you over for dinner when you’re ever down
this way.  It is 62F today.  Does that help entice you? 

This is
more of an incomplete update than a detailed one.  Hopefully we’ll be able to fill in some of
the blanks in the days to come.  Until
then we’ll be keeping ourselves busy with the apprenticeship program and
grocery shopping.  We get to start
everything from scratch!  I cannot

Love you
the Swans.