Back on December 16th, Billy had the incredible privilege of marrying two students in our Center For Global Action (CGA) program. Participants of CGA have all been on 2 to 11 month missions trips with Adventures and are looking for further training and discipleship.  Upon completion of the program they lead Adventures’ missions trips, go into long-term international missions, or enter into kingdom work within the United States.


It’s been incredible to watch the growth that people walk through on both the missions trips themselves as well as their time of training here in Georgia.  Thats why we love being house mentors so much!  We get to spend our non-office time continuing to fully investing in this generation.

Now that Evan and Aimée have begun their journey of marriage, we meet with them every two weeks to talk through the adjustment of marriage and share some of our personal wisdom—i.e. the mistakes we’ve made and how they can do it better!  

Our house celebrating after the pronouncement of marriage!

Here’s a video that our office put together to show a glimpse of the freedom Evan has walked into as he has been a part of our organization.