Wingapo friends!

Several people have asked for some basic information about our route so I decided the easiest way to do this would be to write it down.  So I decided that since $16,561 is a scary number (hyperventilate and cry number)  the logical thing to me was to break it down.  So I decided to calculate the number of miles per route then I calculated the number of miles I would travel.  I did my math from capital to capital since we do not know exactly which cities we will be in.  This is supposed to be an estimate of the cost of missions per mile I travel, which should equate to the cost of missions per country.  I will note this method isn’t the best because there are continent jumps and if they change the route (which they have) then the numbers change.  The math I did was for the same countries, but in a slightly different order.
First we will travel to Asia
Malaysia – $570
Thailand – $268
Cambodia – $906
Philippeans – $5,094
Then we will Travel to Africa
Zimbabwe – $186
Zambia – $320
Malawi – $3,924
And we will finish in Europe
Ukraine – $380
Romania – $3,465
Albania – $663
Greece – $290
This does not include the cost coming in or out of America, because those are not what I would consider mission costs.  I keep recalculating the cost per mile everytime they change the route.  It generally ends up being slightly less than $1/mile.  Last time I calculated it at about $0.80/mile.  Every dollar is another mile of missions.  While this is not a perfect breakdown, it is a breakdown, which was the goal.  These numbers, while still big, are much less daunting than the overall goal.
If you would like to fund a country or make a contribution towards a particular country, let me know which country, and I would love to send you pictures of the missions work we do in that country.
Here is also a link to the routes, with the most up to date information on the countries and order.  We are October 2016 Route 1.
Have a wonderful day!