Hey all,

Just got back from YOUTH GROUP and wanted to share about what a great time we had!  After church last Sunday, the prayer & worship service last night, and tonight’s youth group, we are finally starting to feel connected to our brothers and sisters here in Phuket.   

When we walked in the door tonight, our new friend Garn shared with us that her mother awoke this morning, healed from paralysis (an answer to prayers from the service last night!).  Her mother now wants to move closer to her, to be able to attend church and learn about the Christian faith.  Praise God! 

We had a grand time getting to know one another, praising God in English & Thai (hand motions are totally cross-cultural!), and playing some fun camp games (led by Sarah, of course!).  The group was very receptive to our drama presentation & discussion on alcohol and how Christ can set us free from our slavery to sin.  The topic of alcohol was relevant to each person present, as drinking beer is easily one of the main leisure activities here in Thailand. 

We were blessed with the opportunity to pray for one woman’s husband (struggling with alcoholism, not a Christian), many family members who are not yet Christian, and one young woman who feels
called to be a missionary to the Muslim people. 

It’s going to be hard to say ‘good-bye’, when I feel we only just got to say ‘hello’.  We are looking forward to our last church service tomorrow, to see our new friends one last time! 

Love ya,

                                                                          Katherine  =)