As our time in Kibera draws to a close, I find difficulty in believing that the days have passed so quickly.
  Our time in Kenya has been interesting, and rewarding, though very different from other places we’ve visited this year.
  Living in Africa has challenged us to rise to a new level of flexibility, to live at a state of readiness for ministry, to always try to do whatever we can whenever we can (and not be put off when things don’t work out).


This kind of culture has resulted in a hodgepodge month of ministry, of which no two days have looked the same.
  Our group has done door-to-door evangelism, open-air events, drama, preaching, home visitation, visited schools and orphanages, and taught at the local bible college.
  I’ve loved the variety and intensity of these types of ministries, and am grateful for the ways I’ve learned and grown through them.
  Everywhere we’ve been, we’ve found the Kenyan people to be friendly, welcoming, and open to the hope of the gospel.
  I am often reminded of the words of Jesus in Matt. 9:


“When Jesus saw the crowds, he had compassion for them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.
  Then He said to His disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.”


So, with our final few days of ministry before us, join us in praying that God would bring us to His harvest fields, that we would be filled with compassion for the needy, that He would give us the strength to finish strong in this place, and that He would bring more laborers to this harvest even after we leave.

ps – Sorry about the lack of photos, our internet connection isn’t currently allowing for photo uploads.