Addicted to Entertainment?
When our group passed through Los Angeles a few weeks ago, I was lucky enough to spend some time with friends and family. During our conversations, one seemingly innocuous remark stuck with me and has been ringing in my ears ever since.

What a blog!“We love to read your blogs every day. The stories are so inspiring!”

Now, I’m not surprised that people have been following our blogs – we’ve been doing a lot of crazy stuff, and I know people are curious about what God is doing around the world. But this simple comment got me to thinking: are people interested in our stories because of the novelty factor? Or are we World Racers actually inspiring others?

The thing is, you can’t be inspired unless you’re inspired to do something… otherwise, you’re just being entertained, perhaps in a sentimental fashion.

I’m not here to entertain you. I’m not here to impress you.

I’m here because of a specific calling that God has put on my life. I left behind everything familiar and comfortable because He saw fit to use me for His purposes in this mission trip. Because He wants to teach me trust and obedience, despite my fears. Because He has given me the privilege of loving His people face to face, all around the world. Because through our example, other people can be spurred into action in their own lives.

“Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ.” 1 Cor. 11:1


And what about the inspired comment maker, you may be wondering?
Lucia and her Children

I am thrilled to share that this person, at the direction of the Holy Spirit, has volunteered to sponsor a recently widowed Guatemalan woman and her four children.

(You can read their story

Because one individual person allowed their heart to be broken for the helpless, a widowed mother now will not have to worry about her children being able to eat or go to school. This is the body of Christ!

It is amazing to me how beautifully and consistently God is working for the good of those that love Him. I am praying that God will continue to stir the hearts of all our friends and family back home, and reveal specific calling and purpose in each person’s life.
