Croatian Coast
Tomorrow morning we leave for Croatia!!!! Red team (plus Kim Lynch) will be working with a group called Mission without Borders to help run a camp for about 60 junior-high age students. The camp facility is on an island, off the coast of Croatia in the Adriatic Sea. We will be there for two one-week camps, then return to Mostar for a short time.

This camp is a great opportunity to show the love of Christ to many students, perhaps for the first time. Gary will be our main camp speaker, and we girls will be pitching in with our various areas of expertise such as sports, drama, dance, photography and music. We are super excited about this opportunity, but also welcome your prayers for energy and strength…. Two weeks is a long time to be with 60 JHers! =)

Need some undies?
Mostar ChurchSo, we’re packing up and getting ready to say goodbye to Mostar (at least temporarily). Our time here has been good, helping out the West side church with various projects, and getting to know the missionaries that work here long term.

So far, what we’ve been doing includes cleaning / organizing / moving stuff in & out of storage containers, helped with prep for the church camp, threw a surprise birthday party for a young burn victim at the local hospital (he and his aunt share the same birthday!) and performed our evangelistic drama at a humanitarian
clothing distribution day at the church.

God bless and thank you all for your prayers.  I just wanted to leave you with a couple of pictures we took tonight after dinner…
isn’t it beautiful here?

Sunset over Mostar

Gary & Katherine