It has been almost a year since I have returned home from the World Race and this is a written blog describing how I got to where God is sending me next.
Proverbs 16:9 “We can make our plans, but the Lord determines our steps.”
I am announcing in excitement that I have officially been accepted to squad lead for Gap Year – World Race! Yes, that’s right, the Lord is calling me to surrender another 10 months to do missions with World Race again!
How did I get here!?
Let’s rewind to my 11th month of my race.
I was about half way through hiking the camino in Spain when a squadmate began talking about possibly leading for Gap Year in the future. This sparked my idea of doing the same after I had already thought about leading a shorter trip with Adventures in Missions. Gap year is the World Race designated for the young adult ages of 18-21.
After New Year 2020.
I found myself readjusting to life back in America. It wasn’t easy but I had questioned myself, “What’s next?” Not only did I think about squad-leading for Gap year, I had thought about going back to college. I prayed about my decisions. I applied for college and got accepted. My intentions of college were to be educated to have a career so I could follow missionary work with it in the long term.
Last year one of my squadmates knew that I was struggling with thoughts of making college choices and how God was going to provide. She then encouraged me that God delights in us as His children making choices on our own and He will work with what we choose. As long as we are in tune with God and keeping our trust in Him, we will walk in His will and He will guide our steps.
So over the year, whenever missions came up as a topic discussion, by my own selfish pride, I was avoiding it because I was dead set on the decision of returning to college. After a few months passed I started to feel in my heart that my college choice was not where I was supposed to be this fall. With prayer, the Lord had brought up Gap Year to my attention and I knew in my heart that I was supposed to go back. Over the summer, I spent time in prayer because I was battling thoughts, believing the lies of the enemy that I was not qualified to lead Gap Year. Total Lie! I thank Holy Spirit for giving me the wisdom to discern God’s voice and the enemy’s voice. During my application process between praying about applying to the time I actually submitted my application, I literally took baby steps of obedience. I knew in my mind that whether I was going to be accepted or not, the Lord was teaching me something valuable during the process. And He did! Praise God!
Once I fully committed to squad leading, the Lord gave me that memory of my squadmate sharing her encouragement to me about the Lord determining my steps all the while abiding in Him. I can imagine that if I wasn’t tuning into God’s voice and still kept my pride up, I would have missed this opportunity of squad leading this year. It’s not my will, but God’s. If He’s calling me, I know that obedience to Him is what’s most important. There will be something amazing and pleasing to God coming out of this, and I’m excited to see how this season of leadership will stretch my faith and trust in God.
Why Gap Year?
The reason I felt Gap Year squad leading would be a great idea was because not only do I love missions, but I have a passion in my heart to maybe help lead or mentor this specific age group. The Lord has put this age group on my heart because during that age range I was not living right with God. I fell away from the Lord and began making decisions that I knew and promised myself I would never do. During that time of my life, I was so ashamed of my actions that led me to a dark time of hopelessness and depression. But six years ago, at the age of 21, I met Jesus through a personal relationship. He pulled me out of darkness and into His light and glorious LOVE. Since then I have been on this wild ride of obedience, love, and trust in the Lord. I have come to know my identity in Christ, and who I am as a daughter of the most High. I’ve had so many ups and downs through the last 6 years but I knew my security was in the arms of my Heavenly Father. He has redeemed my life, freed me from sins and shame that kept me spiritually blind. I’ve grown in my faith, learned to be present, and in knowing that I have authority in the name of Jesus.
Because I faced and overcame many trials and kept my hope in the Lord, I want to be able to share my testimony and faith with this age group. God has given me this opportunity to squad lead knowing that these racers will be encouraged and inspired to move forward in Faith, Hope, Love, and TRUTH!
I’ve heard a common quote that has stood out several times to me, “God doesn’t call the qualified, He has qualified the Called.”
Philippians 1:6 “And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.” (NLT)
1 Peter 2:9 “But you are the ones chosen by God, chosen for the high calling of priestly work, chosen to be a holy people, God’s instruments to do his work and speak out for him, to tell others of the night-and-day difference he made for you- from nothing to something, from rejected to accepted.” (MSG)
The Lord has given me so much hope, encouragement, and grace through this season, and I’m ecstatic to journey these next 10 months with Gap Year and all that God will do!