62 DAYS!!
I just bought my plane tickets for our 10 day training camp in Atlanta, Georgia which will prepare us for our January launch date for our 11 month World Race journey.
Along with this excitement comes the pressure of crunch time! I have 4 months left here in the United States as I stress over the necessities before my departure.
How can you help? …inviting you to be apart of the journey with me! YAY!!
1) I am asking that you would pray for me.
- to have the strength to seek the Lord more intentionally in this season
- if distractions come my way, that I can focus and seek the Lord first to help me prepare spiritually, physically, mentally..
- that I can focus to prepare for items needed and gathering fundraising ideas together.
I know the Lord is with me during this entire process. I am amazed to see Him at work and I do trust Him that He has this covered. Because HE DOES 🙂
2) By Supporting me financially.
- any donation amount and can be anonymous.
- monthly donators until I reach my entire goal of $18,200 or by March 2019
- looking for volunteers and/or donations to help me with a yard sale fundraiser on Sunday September 2nd at my house.
3) Click Subscribe to my World Race Blog
- where you will follow me throughout the entire year!
- know how to pray for me
I pray this this world race missionary journey will be as exciting for you as it is for me! I pray that this encourages those I know and do not know! I pray that this journey you have chosen to share with me will Bless you in the Name of Jesus! Thank you all for all your continued support prayerfully and financially!
I cannot wait to share more with you! Be on the lookout for more blogs learning about the 11 different countries we will be living and ministering in!
God Bless!
Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying: “Whom shall I send, And who will go for Us?” Then I said, “Here am I! Send me.” (Isaiah 6:8)