Costa Rica 

Dang I can not believe I have already left Costa Rica. There are so many memories I can share from my time there. I have been trying to figure out the words to describe my experience but the only word coming to my mind is…




From day 1 in Costa Rica God showed up in healing a teammate. Then a few weeks later God healed another teammate. I then saw God in our ministry host, Tony, and his wife, Rosita, as they began to pour into us. The prayers Rosita would pray were so powerful and the child like faith Tony had made me want to dive deeper into my relationship with God. 

We found God in the patience as a group with being given different tasks throughout our time there. God was within the children we worked with as they loved on us the second we arrived to ministry. We found God while talking to folks in a Hostel until late hours of multiple nights. All for them to continue to reach out to us and ask even more questions. 

We walked through some difficult times as a team and within those trials God was there. Holding our hands and carrying us through. 


In Costa Rica I am so thankful I was able to come along side our ministry and help. 

In no means did we bring God to this community because God was already there. However I know we showed a different side of a relationship with God and because of that I pray that it helped someone focus their eyes back on God. 


Please pray for my team as we are now in Guatemala and then headed to Peru in May!!