When I first heard about the World Race back in 2016 I thought it sounded like the coolest thing ever. I had never heard of an 11-month mission trip to 11 different countries before. It sounded terrifying and amazing all in one trip. I told myself right then I would sign up for the World Race when I graduate college in 2020. Flashforward 3 years now I am in my senior year of college and I start my application for the World Race and I couldn’t be more thrilled. I just really felt a call for this ministry. I love traveling and I love the Lord what else could I ask for? Well, I got a phone call back in September saying that I got in. I was set to go on the August 2020 11n11 World Race trip. I couldn’t believe it, but I thought I would be a lot more excited than I actually was. I kept praying about it and I finally realized why I wasn’t as excited as I thought I would be. I was sad to leave my Younglife girls. I am a Younglife leader at a school in Savannah that Younglife isn’t very popular, but at the beginning of this semester, our ministry started turning around. We went from having 1 girl at club to having 10 girls at club. This was huge and I definitely knew that was the reason why I couldn’t go on the 11 month World Race trip. I contacted the World Race team and told them I couldn’t accept my seat on the race, and that’s when they offered me a spot on the semester trip! I was thrilled. I could not only be apart of my Younglife girl’s lives until they graduate but I could also go on the World Race which has been something I have dreamt of for the past 3 years! I was overly thrilled. I am beyond excited to go on this trip. I have never been to India before but I am super excited to get to live in this culture serving the Lord for a whole month! I want to use this month to not only grow closer to the Lord but to grow dependent on the Lord and his plan for my life. Please pray with and for me over these next 6 months!
