“And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of the bread and the prayers.  And awe came upon ever soul, and many wonders and signs were being done through the apostles.  And all who believed were together and had all things in common.”    
-Acts 2:42-44

Team Wonder made it to Bucharest!  We are here safe and are being hosted by some beautiful Bulgarian people.  We are staying at a center in the middle of a village that means “good peace” in English.  Come October this is going to be a refuge for women and children and also a retreat center where Mission Possible will hold conferences.  The boys have been working outside putting up fences and digging holes while us ladies have been cleaning the place up on the inside.

The hosts that we are staying with have a love for the Lord that is so contagious!  While we are working our new friend Alex who is also our translator is always singing praises to the Lord and talking about the Word of God.  He has taught us so much and showed us what a true servant of God looks like.
We have gotten to lead worship and have shared short testimonies at two churches so far.  The first church that we went to was an underground church and we were packed in there like sardines, but the people were so joyful and they were crying out to the Lord!  We hadn’t told each other what we were going to say, but everyone ended up sharing about how transforming the LOVE of God has been in their life and how they want to share that LOVE with everyone around them.  When we came out from the church and had greeted all the people there was a rainbow across the sky, the symbol of the covenant of unfailing LOVE that God made with His people!  I stood in awe as I soaked in the grace that God had given us to reveal to us this sign.  At the second church we actually led a song in the Bulgarian language!  There is a clip of us practicing at the end of the video below.  Pretty comical:)

The reason I put that verse at the top of the blog is because my prayer for my team this month has been Acts 2-3.  God has been faithful to this and has shown many wonders this week.  We have really molded together as a team and God has spoken to many of us in the same ways.  We are in awe of the way He is answering prayers and the favor and blessings He has given us here in Bulgaria.

Thank you so much for all of your prayers, I have never felt prayer so strong in my life.  I watched a miracle of protection happen last Sunday night when we finally got to the train station and I stopped and realized that it was Sunday morning in the U.S. and all of my dearest friends and family were lifting us up to the Lord.  As chills covered my body I was filled with great joy and thankfulness for all of you.

I put a video together of all the footage I have taken so far on the trip, sorry it is not well made but I thought it might give you a better picture of where I am.  I love you all and miss you.  And as they say in Bulgaria: Slava na Boga!!! (Praise the Lord)