My heart has found a second home in Jerusale´n, Chiapas, Mexico.   This week we left the family we had been staying with.  In our short two weeks, we became family so it was a tearful goodbye for me.  I have nicknamed their home The Francisco Cruz Montejo Resort.  .  At this resort, you awake at 8:00 a.m to a breakfast of cereal, assorted breads, Mexicanas huevos (Mexican eggs), coffee and juice.  After desayuno (breakfast), you can stroll to the river and spend time with the Lord or meet with your team.   Doce (12:00) is lunch which is soup with chicken, mexican spaghetti, enchiladas and lots of corn tortillas.  Then comes our favorite part of the day la siesta.  For the next 2 to 4 hours, we can nap, read, swim at the natural pool or river, play cards or just about anything that involves  rest.  What´s next, can you guess? La cena, dinner,  is a everyhing from roasted chicken with rice, empanadas, enchiladas, tostadas, salgutas ( apologies to Ruth, our fabulous cook, if that is wrong) with different flavors of juice like naranja, jamaica, coconut, canteloupe or arroz leche.  If you don´t know those words look them up, then you will really know what my life has been this last two weeks.  In the evenings, we would attend church services, engage in traditional Chole rituals, participate in traditional American rituals, card games, sing with the family, try to get Daniel, Ruth´s son, to love us and play with us (still a work in progress. He was pretty excited when we left though. No more gringas!)  and mostly laugh at the our inability to communicate.  Lord, please forgive us our Spanglish.  Check out the video, it is a little taste of life at Francisco Cruz Montejo Resort.
P.S. Francisco, Maria Elena, Ruth, Samuel, and Pastor Francisco and Lupe
Te echo de menos a todos mucho. Estoy tan agradecida de que Dios coloca en mi vida. Usted está siempre en mi corazón y oraciones.  Te quiero.