I am posting my support letter so those of you who I have not had the pleasure to meet and get to know would have an opportunity to be involved in my journey on the World Race.

God has placed  such a desire in my heart to partner with people and share this experience.   I want to be apart of igniting passion in those who are back here in the States.  Passion is not just the willingness to go, more so it is the willingness to care and to be involved in what God is already doing.  My passion for missions and the World Race is fueled by people coming alongside of me and caring by being involved. 

Thank you so much for taking the time to open this e-mail and read my letter. 

Dear Friends and Family,


 Would you like to travel the world?  Would you like fulfill your purpose in life? Would you like to spread the gospel?  These are questions that I have answered yes to on a regular basis for the last five years.   I had always assumed that I would do these things independent of one another.  Now, I see God has a better plan.  He has combined all those things into an amazing opportunity known as the World Race. 


  In the past five years, I have been searching for purpose. Honestly, I feel like that has been my life’s journey like many of you I assume.  Every endeavor at its core was a search for that moment of satisfaction; knowing that this is what you were made for.   Finally, I realized I needed to seek God’s purpose for my life. I figured He made me He should know what to do with me!   It has been an amazing journey marked with joy and pain, victory and defeat. 


  For years I have prayed to find my niche, where I fit in, my calling.  April brought a revelation, “Do what your heart longs for.”  My heart longs to be on the mission field. More than anything, I have wanted to serve God in this capacity. 


  In June, God’s plans were fully revealed in my acceptance as a participant in the 2008 World Race.  What is the World Race?  It is an opportunity to live and serve as Jesus did for a year.  How did Jesus do it?  Through the hospitality of others, Jesus was able to fulfill the purpose to which God sent him.    We will travel around the world cheaply.  Taking nothing for granted and being grateful in all things.  This means tents not hotels and trust not security.


 For so many years, I have sought stability and ultimately comfort.  However, the more I get to know Jesus the more uncomfortable I get.  Jesus gave us instructions, Matthew 28: 19-20 “go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”  I want to obey. I want to love these people with Jesus’ heart. I can’t do that by myself.  You have heard the saying “It takes a village…”  I am asking if you want to be part of my village.


 In this village, every person is necessary and instrumental whether through prayer, monetary support or other types of involvement.  One is not more than the other.  I need a village to help raise up generation that knows and loves God.  Partner with me in this ministry and lives all over the world will be forever changed. 


 The work we are committing to is long-term.  We may be in a location for several weeks but the ground work is laid for God to minister long past our departure.  Our goal is to make disciples who beget disciples who beget a generation living and serving God.  This is not just a trip around the world.  It is a once in lifetime opportunity to radically live a life of faith. 


 Many of you have been holding your breath, hoping I would go back to college. I fear that is not the direction God is leading me.  For about half the cost of college, I can do what I know I was designed to do, serve God as a missionary.  My trip will cost me $ 13,800.   You can’t ride a donkey across the ocean!  My team and I are beginning the faith raising process of asking for support.  I pray that God will touch the hearts of those who want to partner in this ministry. 


 I cling to Isaiah 55: 8-11, “”For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. As the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return to it without watering the earth   and making it bud and flourish, so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater, so is my word that goes out from my mouth:  It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.”  God’s word does not return empty-handed.  He has told me to go and make disciples of all nations.  I believe that God will be faithful to his word. I pray that this letter is a confirmation to what God is doing in your life and in mine. 


 Besides asking for money, I am also asking for prayer.  Specifically fifteen people who will commit to pray for me each day that I am away.  Knowing that each step I take is covered in prayer will help me to walk steady and stay on course. 


 Those of you, who would like to contribute financially, may do so by monthly pledges or one time donations.  Checks made out to AIM are tax deductible.  I have enclosed a response card and pre-addressed envelope.  Please make checks payable to Adventures in Mission, AIM. You must write “appealed by” and my name in memo line of your check.  The enclosed card will provide AIM with all the necessary information.  AIM will send you a receipt.


 Let’s play what if? What if 20 people donated or pledged $690? What if 50 people donated or pledged $276? What if 100 people donated or pledged $138? 

BINGO! My trip is fully funded and I would be eternally grateful to my village. 

Will you pray about supporting me for one of these amounts or whatever you can offer?


Village people, I thank you in advance for coming along side me in this adventure. Let’s Rock the World!

All my love in Him,

                                                       Kara Burrows             


 P.S. If you want more information about the world race, go to www.worldrace.org.  Information about Adventures in Missions, AIM, can be found at www.adventures.org.  I will have a blog with pictures of all the adventure throughout our journey. Check it out!

Also for a better understanding of the World Race check out these links:

What is the World Race? http://www.theworldrace.org/index.asp?filename=what-is-the-world-race

A Sample Intinerary: http://www.theworldrace.org/index.asp?filename=world-race-sample-itinerary

Stories from the World Racers: http://www.theworldrace.org/custom/worldrace/updates/byteam.asp