This blog was posted by Eli Martorana today.  I read it this afternoon and want  to help give people a chance to bless Mama Rita.   The World Race is about being the hands  and feet of God to those who are in need.  Please take a  moment to read about Mama Rita’s story. 

Buen Dia from Team Isaac!

We’ve been in Mozambique for nearly a week and we are loving every minute of it! Once arriving in Beira we met up with Peter, our guide for the next month, who brought us to the home of Mama Rita in the village of Mmanga. Five years ago, Rita and her husband, Ezekiel, were called by the Lord to begin taking in orphaned children who had lost their parents to HIV/AIDS and malaria.

By last fall, Ezekiel and Rita had 25 orphans living with them, along with 7 children of their own. In October, soon after leading a Muslim to the Lord, Pastor Ezekiel was murdered by Muslim extremists. Since Pastor Ezekiel’s death, there has been no source of income for Rita and the children. Peter (our guide) and his wife are both blind and are teachers at a local school for the blind. They have been supporting Rita and her children out of their teaching salary for the past 4 months.

Mama Rita and the kids

Rita is currently caring for 20 children in her very small house, and the 12 older children are staying with Peter and his wife. All of the children sleep on concrete floors and have 1-2 pairs of clothing.

Our hearts went out to Mama Rita and her children and we asked Peter how we could bless them. He told us that the children could really use mattresses, clothing, and school supplies. A refrigerator for the house would serve to not only preserve their food and protect it from the rats (the house is overrun with them), but it would also serve as a source of income. Sodas and vegetables could be kept cold and cold be sold in the neighborhood.

Rita’s current home The kids’ beds (in the hallway)

He then told us that Rita’s greatest need was a larger house that could hold all of the children and give them a place to sleep. He took us to see three different pieces of land that would be desirable locations to build a new home. One of the properties is a perfect fit. It is directly between the primary and secondary schools, and it is a large piece of land (about 2-3 acres) with plenty of room to build a house, plant shade trees, and plant crops which would serve to feed the children and to sell as income.

We have a huge desire to bless this wonderful family, and after praying about it, we decided as a team to invite all of you to join us in raising funds to help Mama Rita and the kids.

Costs and needs are as follows:
-Mattresses = $36 each (x32 kids)
-Refrigerator = $400
-Land (+ title and licensing fees) = $1,000
-Total cost to buy land, build house, plant trees, setup h2o/electric = $20,000

We don’t have much time left here, but if possible, we would like to at least purchase the land before we go, so that the teams that follow us can continue the fund raising efforts and break ground on a new house! Because of our time shortage, we can only take online donations.

To donate, click this link
In the blank for “person or team”, please type “World Race Ministry Fun- Mama Rita

The bible calls us as the Body of Christ to care for widows and orphans, and that command has never been more alive to us as it is now. We ask that you pray about this, and if you feel led, to give as you are able. Thank you so much for your prayers, and for keeping up with us!

Love from all of Team Isaac,
Robby, Eli, Magen, Gretchen, and Teagan