I know nothing!

I got picked by God to go because

I know nothing?

All I can do is LAUGH, at this because

it is


Sitting on the couch, reading my new book, Serving With Eyes Wide Open, I realize all of this and bust out laughing. Isn’t it hysterical? I got chosen to go on this crazy 11 month mission trip around the world because I know nothing.

I don’t know how to speak any of the languages in these countries. I don’t know any of the local customs. I don’t know much about their religions. Definitely, do not have an understanding of the hardships many of my brother and sisters in Christ have suffered. I don’t know about hunger, poverty, violence, miracles, illness, death, AIDS, malaria or a million other things I will encounter along the way.

Through my laughter, God is saying, ” You are a seeker. You don’t settle for less than genuine.”

I am not sure how not knowing will serve me on this trip. The past few weeks, I have been trying to find out all the information I can so I would be prepared. After reading a few stories from this book, I realized there is no way I can be prepared for the next year because I read a book, memorized the whole New Testament or figured out my “Bring people to Jesus” method.

There is one thing I do know. I am going to have to be completely dependent on God. Not every month. Not every week. Not even every day. Every moment will depend on my surrender to God.

Do I know how to do this?

I know nothing but I am a seeker and I don’t settle for less than genuine.
