I am just realizing how my worldview has never included a supernatural God.  For the last 25 years if you ask me do I believe in a supernatural God I would say “Yes.” If you ask me what that meant I would not be able to give you a good answer.  I have placed God in a series of boxes.  As soon as I let him out of one box, I promptly place Him in a bigger box.  This is a hazardous practice because God is not into boxes.  How do I know this?  I just smacked into the wall of this box! God is all about miracles.  He commissioned us to “Go” and to go in power.  The same power that allowed Christ to do all that God ask of him is given to us. Why? So we can do all that God ask of us.  So simple but it blew my mind! 

I am new to this sphere of belief.  My experiential knowledge of God’s supernatural power in this day and age is limited.  However, God is so great to reveal to me more of his fullness as he prepares my mind and my heart to understand. 

Matthew 28: 18-20

“Then Jesus came to them and said, ‘All authority in heaven and earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.  And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

” All authority… has been to me.”  Jesus had all the authority in heaven and on earth.  Let’s pause a moment and reflect on just how much authority that is.  I wish I had words to describe how deep and high and all encompassing is his authority.  All I can do is sit in awe of the reality of this truth.  My hope is that each one of us can discover Jesus authority.  In our lives, in our communities, in the world.  How incredible if we lived our lives in such a way to say that all authority has been given.

I would love to dialouge with anyone about the supernaturalness (yes, I made that world up) of God.  Please feel free to share testimonies from your life and comments about what you believe and any scriptures that speak to you.

I have been reading some pretty incredible books on the subject.  These are just some of the books I am reading at the moment.

The Three Battlegrounds   by Francis Frangipane

The Supernatural Power of a Transformed Mind  by Bill Johnson

When Heaven Invades Earth  by Bill Johnson