Hey everyone!

It’s been awhile! I miss all of you. I hope each of you are abiding in the presence of God! I would love to share with you what I’ve been up to! My prayer is that this refreshes and blesses you!

Project Searchlight

Last December, our squad gathered for our final debrief. I can’t find words to express how much it meant to be together again and catch up with each other. Some of my squadmates went on to long-term missions programs, others are on the field as trip team leaders, others completed WR America, some returned to careers, and some are engaged! : D


Jan.-May I was hired as the long-term English substitute at Jackson Heights Middle School (my alma mater). I assumed all the responsibilities of a regular teacher–comparable to building an airplane while flying. I relished the opportunity to create my own curriculum, be supportive & adaptive to students’ needs, as well as opening students’ worldview. Students were rewarded with a Foreign Culture Party to celebrate & explore the food, history, language, entertainment of the country they voted on each month! We also did Zoom Q&A’s–including my former student Alan from Brazil & my new squad mate Joanne from Canada! We also had a lot of fun doing learning stations, for example, when I introduced them to “The Hobbit” by J.R.R. Tolkien!

Jeff inspired me to major in English & Gary was my XC/Track coach and helped me lead FCA! I absolutely adore both of them & was tremendously thankful I could confide in & continue to learn from them once more!

The Daily

Probably like you, outside of work, I have spent the past 12 months in isolation. Restless & adjusting. Carefully considering God’s perspective of the division & suffering within our country. Of suffering, in general. Grappling with big emotions (or total indifference/numbness), & many questions. & grief. A lot of grieving.

Toward the end of isolation, I can share two valuable thoughts. 1) God welcomes my spiritual curiosity. He knows it leads to a clearer image of who He is, and when discovered, provides much assurance to my heart. 2) God is not threatened by my emotions. He can grieve with me because through Jesus, He entered into our suffering. He is near and involved in my day, therefore when I am grieved I can turn to Him, & His fatherly heart will meet me there. He works to create beauty from the ashes. 

When hardship is long and lonely, it doesn’t work to just slap a statement on it and invalidate what I’m experiencing. Rather, I learned I can be nurtured by bringing the questions & emotions directly to God. The most endearing way He has pursued me recently is when I wake and before I sleep, He reminds me He wants to say “hi,” He’s thinking of me, & wants to know if there’s anything (any fear, any favorite moment, any hope) that I’d like to share with Him.  

All that to say, I may not see the purpose in everything this past year, but I know it’s a part of God’s plan. All of His promises will happen—maybe not in the way I thought or the time I thought it would—but they will happen. He’s a man of His Word. ; )

Donna Buck

Before I conclude this post, I want to recognize and honor Donna Buck. Donna and Ed have partnered in ministry with me since my first missions trip to Peru, 5 years ago. She was a dedicated prayer warrior, and also ministered to my parents. She passed away in January due to COVID. Before passing away, she told her family: “The greatest achievement and joy in this life is my family. Go forward with joy, love, and peace.” The way she followed Jesus inspired me. It doesn’t feel the same to be going abroad w/o visiting w/ her at church beforehand. I really miss her, and am thankful she is at home with our Savior now. 


It’s true. The wait is over. I’m relaunching with WR August 6th for 8 months!!! More information about how you can join me in spreading the living promise of the Gospel to a world that is still very much suffering from COVID, coming SOON!   

joy from the farm,


It means a lot to me to hear from YOU! Please leave a comment below to say hi, ask any questions, or express excitement about relaunching! Whoo! : )