This past month we worked with The Fellowship of the Lord’s People in Pristina, Kosovo (or BPZ Church). Here’s a sample of the ways that we got to contribute during our time there…

BPZ has several secondhand shops that employ community members and help support the church’s ministries. We had the opportunity to assist them through sorting donations into categories… sellable vs. not-sellable, winter vs. summer, etc. Items not sold in the shops are often donated to low-income families.

Sorting donations.

Another ministry we participated with during our time here is the church’s Mercy Ministries. Mercy Ministries meets with families in need on a monthly basis. They share the good news of Jesus and distribute food and clothing. 

Sharing about Zacchaeus and the love of Jesus during a Mercy Ministries meeting.

Sharing about Zacchaeus and the love of Jesus at a Mercy Ministries meeting.

Kids’ ministry and community involvement are also a high priority for BPZ. They have several “Houses of Hope” in Kosovo that provide instruction in practical skills, offer language classes, and host kids’ meetings. They also have a truck called Ark of Life that is specially designed to provide portable kids’ programming in villages throughout the country. The side of the truck opens up and converts into a stage for puppet shows; and it’s stocked with supplies for facepainting, games, and interactive worship.

I had the opportunity to be personally involved with these ministries by decorating for kids’ meetings, assisting with game planning, and “facepainting.”

Decorations for kids’ meetings.

Memory verse during kids’ meeting.

“Facepainting” the Albanian Eagle.

Kosovo is considered a minimally reached country. Many people here have never heard the good news of Jesus Christ. Each week an evangelism team (based out of Pristina and  comprised from members of at least 3 different churches) goes door to door to talk with people and distribute Christ-centered literature. Their goal is to reach every home in Kosovo for Jesus. We accompanied them on several occasions and were blessed to hear their stories and their hearts. 

Lastly, BPZ seeks to actively engage the community through displays outside of their church building. From a picnic table with swing seats to a Christmas coffee bar they strive to invite people into the church’s outdoor space and to spark conversations about what truly matters. 

To my delight, our team was able to contribute to the design of the Thanksgiving display this year. (I get into that sort of creative color and design work.)

Designing baskets for the display.

In all of these things my team and I were blessed to be a small part of how God is moving in Kosovo through his people. Now, we are moving into our next chapter as a team, but God is still writing an amazing story in The Balkans! Please pray for BPZ Church as they shine like stars in Kosovo and hold firmly to the word of life (Phil 2:15b-16a). Praise the Lord that his church is moving with urgency to share his goodness and love!