Taking a step into boldness…


Yesterday while getting ready for the day a teammate and I were talking, just having casual conversation. She was on Facebook at the time, and was looking at a picture posted by the page “Humans of New York.” Ariane was telling me her thoughts on how cool the page was because they took random shots of “normal” everyday people and posted them for the world to see. This was not to embarrass them or to give them and glorification either. It is simply a page to share everyday stories and just give the rest of the U.S. a taste of what New York is like.

That’s when I blurted out, “Why don’t we make a Humans of the World Race page!” Realizing that I just had an epiphany, I got so excited! Immediately after I said it, Ari was on board! She was just as excited as I was. So we got together and created the page, HUMANS OF WORLD RACE.


Our vision behind this page if to connect past racers, current racers, and future racers by giving them a glimpse of what other squads are doing around the world. We get to experience so many beautiful things, and come in contact with so many beautiful people, why not share that? Whether it is a person you’ve had the honor of getting to know, someone you pass by on the street we want to know what and who inspires racers!


Photo: "While sitting at Burger King in Vietnam, I witnessed this man outside the window laying hands, and praying for a Vietnamese woman. I instantly smiled inside knowing that even in a closed country, our Father is all around us. So of course I took out my phone and snapped a creeper shot.." - Kaitlin Backensto

This man inspired me. I was sitting at Burger King waiting on food, and out the window I saw this man pra*ing over a Vietnamese woman. It was encouraging to see someone so boldly acting out the love of the Father in a country that is very closed to Christia*ity. So I snapped a picture.

Photo: "I used to be a bad bad kid. I was a killer, an addict, a thief. But seven years ago I gave my life over to Chr*st, and I thank Him every day for the amazing change He has done in my life."

This man really inspired Ari. He used to be a murder, a drug addict, and a thief. But he was redeemed by the power of the holy spirit, and now he thanks G*d everyday for changing his life!


We are inviting all world racers (and anyone really) to “Like” our page on Facebook! We cannot make this work on our own! Invite all your friends, tell everyone you know! We are all brothers and sisters in Christ and its time we come together and share our stories with each other, not just the people back home!

Go to www.facebook.com/humansofworldrace and click “Like”!

with love,
Kait & Ari <3