?Watch the Video attached to get a better glimpse of what the night entailed! Go to my face book page & you will see it there (I can’t figure out how to upload it to this blog page quite yet)
In short summary form, Skate Night was a HUGE success! Over 80 people showed up & over $1,300 was raised from the heart of some incredibly generous people! My mind is blown, heart is humbled, & gratitude to Jesus for bringing this event to life when my faith was so little that people would show up after all. To say the least, I felt cherished, cared for, humbled, & STOKED to press on towards this world race journey. It makes all the difference having loved ones in life stand by my side in this too. I am so thankful to the owner who graciously opened up the RINK to such an idea.
God has shown up so many times, I already feel like a different person & haven’t left the country yet! All I can say is WOW.
Just a little over 2 months until I head out! Between now & then I will keep working, prepping, & doing life in West Michigan.
Saturday, December 2nd I will be hosting another Fundraiser @ Seedlings in Down Town Holland. More information to come soon on that but if you are a Holland Folk, please do save a little chunk of time to stop by & Christmas shop for a loved one! Anything you purchase, the proceeds will go directly to the World Race Journey Funds 🙂
Take care, peace, & blessings
Kailey B.
P.S. I have some of the GOOFIEST west Michigan Friends! (as you can see in the photos & videos)