The Eulogy Of Justin Seibert

God is Love. That is why He sent His one and only son Jesus to the earth. Jesus came to save all His children, and show us what it means to be Love. By God’s grace alone, this is how He revealed Himself through Justin. Jesus‘ Love was first and foremost in Justin’s character. Justin lived for God, not himself. He considered the best interest of others even at the expense of his own personal comfort, desires, and life. Justin lay the desires of his heart at the feet of the The Lord, and his heart posture was “I am ready when you say I am, not a minutes sooner, not a minute later.” Justin had an awe inspired reverence for the gift of life, and lay his down daily. He told Jesus each day, “I am ready to go when you are ready to take me Lord.” 

Justin was what he needed to be, when he needed to be it. A good and faithful son, brother, friend, husband, and father. He was compassionate with the hurt, strong with the weak. He sought to understand others before himself being understood. He celebrated with those who were joyful, and cried with those who hurt. When Justin entered a room The Father’s gentle and warm nature would enter the hearts of those who received him. Justin used the gift of His words to bring light and life into this world, encouraging others and telling them who Jesus says they are. He allowed himself to be different; to sit in public with his eyes closed because seeing his Father was more valuable than the opinions of others. 

His past acts of obedience to Jesus are bearing fruit and changing lives to this day. Jesus partnered with Justin to save the perfect amount of people written in His will, to bring warmth to the cold, food to the hungry, homes to the homeless, to bring children Home, and bring heaven to earth. Justin did not shy away from difficult situations or conversations, rather, he invested truth in Love into the hearts of those times. There was no question what he was about; those who knew Justin knew he was all about his Father’s business. He had a quiet resolve which affirmed that actions do indeed speak louder than words. He was as fierce as a lion, gentle as a dove, and a son of The LambJesus wrote Justin’s name in the book of life before the beginning. and Jesus‘ gift of life and experience were, are, and are still to be. 

“To Him who sits on the throne and to The Lamb be praise and honor and glory and power forever and ever!