The Lord recently spoke to me through a sermon, “We get one chance at this life on earth, and it could end at any second for any of us.” This has impacted me quite a lot and weighed on my mind recently. If my life could end at any second, then how do I want to live? 

I would tell people how much I love them, I would thank the Father for everything that He has done for me, I would ask for live in repentance, I would work hard and not search for comfort, I would reflect and marvel at the pure beauty and glory that is life. I wouldn’t want to waste a breath, because the next is never a guarantee. The life we have, the time we have is all a gift, and more often than not, we take it for granted. 

We get frustrated with others, hold grudges, we we blow people off thinking “I’ll hang out with them later”. We live for tomorrow, but tomorrow is never a guarantee. I have been working things out with God, trying to learn what He wants for me. 

The Lord wants me to learn what it means to be genuine versus sarcastic. To use my words to build other up, not wasting my numbered breaths on words without meaning or purpose. He wants me to learn what it means to be a good big brother, and example of what a man of God looks like, standing for honor, love, integrity, healing, comfort. He wants me to abandon my self seeking heart, and adopt a heart of servant hood, to give as I have freely received. 

However, I am not waiting until the end of the race to become genuine, to give my desires away to others, to become a good brother. I am walking and following Jesus down these paths today, because in my mind, there is no tomorrow. 


God is constantly transforming my mind and reforming me to look more like His son Jesus. Jesus has many names, The King of Kings, The Lord of Lords, The Good Sheppard, The Lamb of God, The Prince of Peace. That is who I am serving, that is my Father. And if my life is worth anything; today, not tomorrow I may reflect his glory even a little bit. I may serve His kingdom, love His sons and daughters, and present myself as a living sacrifice, because we get one chance at this life on earth, and it could end at any second, for any of us. ~Justin Seibert