Finding peace during the storm

I have been home for 7 days!  Let’s just say i really really dislike change!   Especially after a long mission trip.  I am home from a 3 month long mission trip. The first month we worked in public schools teaching English and talking about God.  We grew to know each other as a team of missionaries.  Learning we all have our grace story and we all have a God given gift.   Month 2 and 3 we worked at ywam. What a group they had we had a taste of so many ministries from construction, teen challenge, a safe home, prostitute ministry and day care.   This was tough for me,  because even though we had many ministries I felt I couldn’t find my ministry I excelled in.

So going back to the storm.  This last week has been the furthest polar opposite of the last 3 months! I went from seeing 1,000 people a day and each day having solid conversations with 20 people.   The best part most of the conversation was about the greatness of God and don’t forget the bible studies in the morning!  Where at home I saw 5 people a day and the deepest conversation was with Fiona my dog!  She’s pretty great, so don’t feel sorry for me.

Another major difference is what my day consists of, in Guatemala we had meal times,  cleaning times,  ministry times.   At home it’s spring,  which means driving tractor and more tractor.  

Now what stays the same in my life?  Ohhhh let me tell you!  The creator, the Lord of the universe.   When God created us in his image he desired a relationship with us.   Yes you and me he talks to dailey and he has a plan and he wants us to love him. 

God leads me,  even today I got to read a friends old blog,  she was struggling having major set backs and through the blog she shared how through her brokenness she felt closser to God.   She even shared a verse.   The verse was Romans 8.28, but she didn’t type it out.   So I told myself I would look it up,  but I got distracted amazing how that can happen.  Fast foward 2 hours I am cleaning and vacuuming my house!    I come upon a small paper.  The side i see says daring FAITH!  Sounded good I picked it up and what did it have on the back!?

Romans 8.28!!  I got it God!  Look it up, so true and just what peace i needed deon
From God.

That’s how God spoke to me today!  He is always speaking am I listening am I willing to give him the credit!  I am are you!?

Ps. My day consisted of plowing all day for quiet time I read Mark 4!

If you have questions just ask!

God takes me through different season,  this last season is one of listening creating quiet space and work so that I can go back out into that crazy world of missions with some money or at least to pay for the last and next one!

Praying for you!  Miss you Andrea,  Channing, Carrie Lynn,  Liz,  John,  Kayla,  Morgan,  Nico,  Nic, Sidney and Shelby. And of course Alleigh who I  got to see at the airport just yesterday! What a co leader! Also missing Guatemala!