decided that they still wouldn’t do it justice.
If you weren’t there it’s hard to put it into words. It was a week of learning, sharing, worshiping and growing. It has been a week since training camp ended
so I will do my best to give a brief description of how I viewed the training
camp experience and some of the memories involved….
we are, how we see things, and pushes us to who we will become. It could have a
negative or positive impact. Many of us can remember moments such as
these in our own lives. I believe that training camp fits into this
“significant event” category. It was yet
another moment in time that will forever change who I am, how I see things, and
will ultimately help shape who I will become.
Don’t worry; it was definitely a positive experience! Now, by no means does that mean it was
easy or comfortable. On the contrary it
was pretty difficult. Let me explain…
For the past few months Tiffany and I have been telling
everyone that “we are tired of being comfortable and want to be challenged and
become uncomfortable for Christ.” Little
did we know, God heard us and decided to “help out.” Even at training camp we were stretched and
pushed outside of our comfort zones probably more than we would have
liked. But that seems to be how God
works. Because when we are pushed beyond what we can
handle alone we are forced to acknowledge His
power, His love, and His plan for our lives. We now realize more than ever that this next
year is going to be a year of growth… no matter how bad it hurts. We are going to have many moments in the
coming year that will continually be shaping who we are and how we see the
world. Hopefully we will allow that
shape to look more and more like Christ!!

Some Training Camp Memories:
Intentional teaching
– Recognizing we must allow God to change us
before we can change others!!
Crazy Awesome worship –
sometimes crazy, mostly awesome, always crazy awesome!
Interesting food – Could have done without the fish soup for
Killer Campout – great shelter, food, fires, and fun!
Passionate Squad –
never gets old!
Remarkable Teammates
– Lit2Blaze – definitely
world changers!!!

love and forgiveness, and usher in your kingdom in every nation!