Then we heard the voice of the Lord, saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?” Then we said, “Here we are. Send us!”

(Isaiah 6:8)



Dear Friends and Family,

We hope that this letter finds you blessed and striving to bless others. As you know, in the past, we have been blessed ourselves to spread the Gospel all around the United States and Africa. For the past 6 months we have been contemplating what direction our lives should take and have considered many different options. In that searching God presented His plan for us. We have prayerfully decided to join an organization called The World Race. It is a year long mission that will allow us to serve the hurting and marginalized in 11 different countries. We plan on leaving the US on January 1st of 2011 and returning in November of 2011. The countries we will serve in include: India, Nepal, Indonesia, Malaysia, Australia, South Africa, Mozambique, Swaziland, Romania, Ukraine, and Ireland.   

We will spend our time in these countries developing relationships, ministering in every way possible, sharing the love of God, and sharing our lives with those we meet. Our hope is to once again take your love and support to lift up the spirits of the people we come in contact with.

We understand that this journey will not be easy and will be filled with both trials and triumphs. We will miss our families and friends greatly while we are gone, but we have decided that it is time for us to take a leap of faith and become uncomfortable for Christ. We are not sure exactly what this year is going to bring but we are excited for God to work through us in amazing ways. We will spend our time ushering in the kingdom of God in every conversation, conversion, and relationship that develops.   

We thank God for this opportunity and trust He will meet our needs. Ultimately, our prayer is that He will use you to meet many of those needs. We would be honored if you could partner prayerfully and financially with us in this ministry.We understand that without your support this trip would not be possible. We first and foremost ask for your prayers during this time of preparation and during our work in some of the most desperate countries in the world. Prayer is the foundation for everything we are doing. Secondly, we must raise $30,000.00 to be able to embark on this journey. This amount will cover all of our expenses (food, lodging, travel, etc.) for 11 months while on the field. While raising this amount seems impossible and overwhelming at times it also reminds us that it will only be done through God’s hands and your help. Please know that your support not only blesses us and helps us be able to minister to others in need, it also reminds all of us that our actions, possessions, and lives belong to God for His use and for His purpose.

We will be blogging as we prepare for our trip and during our 11 months. We encourage you to visit our blog as well as get more information about the trip at Here you will be able to embark on this journey with us every step of the way. Know that we will be praying for you, our supporters, as we leave you behind to spread the Good News here in the states. May God shine on you so that you may be a light to those still in darkness.               

    In Him,

                          Justin and Tiffany Hanes
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