Missions has always intrigued both of us.  We have had a heart for mission work even
before we were married.  We both were
able to experience missions individually from a young age.  Collectively we have served in California, Iowa, New York, Chicago, Dallas, and Lubbock. 
We still remember the places, people,
and lives that were touched.  When we got
married we weren’t sure what missions would look like in our life together.

In 2007 our view of missions was broadened when we spent
three months in East Africa.  It was our first mission trip together along
with a team comprised of three of our good friends and of course us. While there we worked with orphanages, street
ministries, and missionaries.  We began
to understand what it meant to follow Christ while living in community with
others.  It was not easy by any means,
but it was a great learning experience.   We have since been able to return to Kenya where we
now visit what we consider family and brothers and sisters in Christ. 


We have a heart to share in the suffering of the world and
present to them the healing and love of Jesus Christ.  We feel that we will always be involved in
mission work no matter where we live.  It
is about becoming the church and experiencing Gods creation while serving
others. In our time in missions we have noticed a difference in actually
spending time with the needy as opposed to just giving money, holding an orphan
opposed to holding a picture of an orphan, or becoming part of a different
culture as opposed to living in our comfortable homogeneous bubbles.  Missions is not always simple, comfortable,
or easy…but it is always worth it.   

And don’t forget to subscribe to our blog so you can be
notified every time we post new info!!

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