Well, many of you have heard, but for those who have not, the car wash was a HUGE success! So we can’t thank those of you who helped enough for getting dirty, washing cars, getting sunburned, and donating your time and money towards our trip! We are so blessed to have such support from so many people. It was tax free weekend so the traffic was heavy. We actually didn’t even know it was tax free weekend when we planned it, but we’re glad it was!! We figured that we washed about 150 cars with a very steady flow of about 4 lined up at a time. Conveniently 80% of the vehicles we washed were either trucks or SUV’s so we got to work extra hard! A very special thanks goes to Rick and Holly Betenbough and Betenbough Homes for donating their parking lot, water and lunch for our volunteers. Holly you were so helpful and it would not have been such a success without you! Thanks to All State Fence for supplying the spray washers which really helped speed the process along, therefore allowing us to wash more vehicles (and get more donations). Thanks to the Raintree Youth group for giving up part of their Saturday to serve us! Thanks to our friends who bailed us out in the morning, you are all troopers! Thanks to those of you who came early and those of you who helped clean up and stayed late. After all was said and done, it was a fabulous day full of fun, soap, fellowship, cookies, Burger King, sign holding and most of all…hard work. This fund raiser was such a blessing for our trip. In the words of one of the youth boys, “can we do this again next week?” Not so fast little one, we will just have to wait and see about that. Maybe we will wait until all of our skin doesn’t look like tomatoes! Here are a few pictures of our fun times and hard workers.