Have you been waiting around for the next big rain to “clean”
your car?  Does your car have a sarcastic
“wash me” written on its dirt tinted windows? 
Have you been waiting for a place to spend your money on an amazing car
wash that doubles as a good cause?  If
you answered YES to any of these questions then you are in luck!!  We are having a car wash to raise money for
our upcoming mission trip. 

Why a car wash you may ask? 
Here are just a few of the reasons…

~We are sponsors for the youth group at our church and we
wanted an event where the youth could get involved and be a part of our journey.  And what could be more fun than a bunch of
youth group kids washing cars?

~We live in west Texas where the wind blows 70 miles an hour
and dust storms are the norm.  Therefore,
we should have no shortages of dirty cars that need a good washing.

~A car wash is a great way to raise money and help people
out at the same time! 

Where:  Betenbough Homes – Main Office  6305 82nd Street


When:  Saturday August 21st from 9am-4pm


 We hope to see you and your dirty car there!

And don’t forget to subscribe to our blog so you can be
notified every time we post new info!!

(it’s over on the left)