Hello~ Welcome to my little corner of the internet!

I’m so glad you’ve decided to join me today.

My name is Julita. I am from Maryland, USA originally but I have been living in China on and off for the past four years. It took me a while to realize missions is where God has been leading me. I look back now and see how much work the Holy Spirit has been doing in my heart, and now I can’t really imagine doing anything else right now.  The Lord has been working and instilling in me a heart for the lost and the destitute. It breaks my heart to see people who don’t even have the basic necessities, to see people looked over and ignored, or brushed to the side. 

I have seen and learned a lot during my time in China, and now I understand that the Lord has been filling me with His compassion and love for those who have been pushed to the side and forgotten by those walking by. In the moments when I came across a homeless person being heckled by the police, or the mother begging for money to take care of her terminally ill child, I felt the Holy Spirit move me and flood me with His heart for them. And it was almost too much for me to comprehend or handle.

This coming January 2020, I have chosen to leave my creature comforts behind to embark on my own Kingdom journey on The World Race with Adventures in Missions. I will be spending 11 months in 11 different countries serving the least of us, sharing the gospel, and just loving people! 

However, in order to “launch” in January to my first country of Bolivia, I need lots of prayer, and to raise $19,800. This money will cover my living, travel, and ministry expenses for the entire 11 months I will be in the field.

So, I hope you can support and join me in my trek around the world loving and serving the Lord and the least of us. Check back to this blog page for updates, stories, and testimonies. You can also follow my vlogs on Youtube and photos on Instagram @wanderlustandcravings .



5 Quick Facts About Me:

  • I love Jesus with my whole heart and life.
  • One of my biggest goals in life is to become a legitimate minimalist, live out of a backpack, travel around the world, and help others. (Oh wait! That sounds like the World Race!)
  • I used to be an acrobat but now I practice capoeira and Filipino kali.
  • My favorite fruit is jackfruit, but…I’ve recently developed an allergy to it T_T
  • I have a cat named Steve Rogers, yes, after Capitan America