In less than a year, I will be traveling the world. It really hasn’t hit me yet, but I am beyond excited to start this next adventure! Knowing that next August I will be boarding a plane to start my year long adventure seems surreal. I will be traveling and doing life with over twenty some people who I have never met, but that makes the adventure even more exciting.

Over the next few months, I will be fundraising for my trip. That means creating budgets and (hopefully) sticking to them. No more TJ Maxx or Target shopping trips, which if you know me is extremely hard. I will be calling and talking to people to build partnerships to support me financially, honestly it is overwhelming, but I know God will provide.

I have to remind myself daily that I am not in control, but He is. I am not my own, but I am His.

This life is not mine, this life belongs to God.

As I continue to pray, I ask that you join me in prayer. Please pray for me over these next few months to not let the stronghold of anxiety control me. Pray over my squad mates. Prayer for the impact we will make on the world. Pray for every thing in your life. 

Be thankful for every thing that you do, but do it all for the glory of our Father.

God bless,


“Here I am Lord, send me.” Isaiah 6:8

Jumping for joy when I found out I got accepted!