Week one has been amazing. I got here Wednesday, and got partially moved in. We didn’t do much on Wednesday so that faculty could focus on registration. Thursday we went over rules and some things on how life would go and, we got to know the people in our teams a little bit better. My team consist of me and the other six guys on the squad. Out of all 4 squads that are here my squad has the largest group of guys. I’m super excited to get to know and become brothers with all the guys on my squad. We all are already bonding and hopefully will continue to bond after the “honeymoon” period is over. On Friday we all got really close because of some team builders.   Really close Lol!

We also had some great team time and there was a lot of openness and vulnerability. Another thing that happened on Friday was I took my first bucket shower. It was so freeing! Taking a shower in a bucket is not as bad as it sounds. Its kinda out of my comfort zone to look up and see another dude showering in the stall next to me but I’m getting use to it. Showering in a bucket is a new comfort zone for me, going to the bathroom in a port-a-potty on the other hand is still not something I prefer to do so please pray for God to give me peace about that lol. On Saturday we spent the time between breakfast and lunch in sabbath with God. We all went off on our own to hear from the lord and spend time just listening to him. It was shown to me during this time that when I think of being like Christ I always think of his miracles and his sermons but I over look his love. I’m praying that God works on that and shows me how to love like him. That night we had a guest speaker that was a missionary. He reminded us that it actually cost everything to follow Christ and asked us if we were actually willing to give it all up. I realized that there were some things that my head would say that it was okay with giving but my heart felt still slightly attached so I’m working on letting those things go and giving them to God. Today on Sunday we had our fitness test. The test was a 2.2 mile hike with pack on (everything besides tent and hammock) in under 38 mins. The whole hike was up and down hill except for the last little stretch. Most of the first part wasn’t bad even though I’m kinda out of shape. The race got hard when I got to Jesus Hill. The name is very fitting because on your way up the hill you either encounter Jesus or learn a new meaning of relying on his strength. The course is made to where you loop around and have to climb the hill twice. While climbing the hill the only things I could think of was “Lord be my strength” and the song by David Crowder keep me. I finished the race in 28 mins and was able to drop my bag in time to go help encourage a team member to finish their race. After my race and a freezing but refreshing bucket shower I was able to go and fully move into my tent and pull everything out of the bag. So me, Crush, and Sheldon are now moved in. P.S. check the bottom image to see crush and sheldon.

Your boi


This is Crush (top) and Sheldon (bottom)