The World Race is almost over! I’m in Jordan, our final country, for two or three more weeks and [Lord willing] will be home in Des Moines, Iowa before Thanksgiving. It’s been a wild ride of ups, downs, twists, turns, summersaults, nosedives, soars, you name it. God has done incredible things in and around me that has remolded the way I think about and see the world.

First off, more evangelism. I’ve talked about the gospel before with non-Christians; my faith has made me noticeably different than a lot of people and I’ve gotten questions about it. I’ve always enjoyed these conversations, and of course I’d have loved to see any one of them end with someone accepting Christ. But the past ten and a half months have given me a new desire to “hit the streets,” as my squad puts it. Initiating conversations that point people to Christ is an oddly rewarding experience, and more important it’s loving to the person you’re talking with. That person needs Christ and needs to know the love and sacrifice offered to them, and the most caring thing you can do for them is to tell them what Jesus has done for them.

Also, spiritual gifts. I’ve always been less of a cessationist than probably most Baptists, but if you’d ever called me a continuationist I would’ve choked and given a firm No. But the Holy Spirit is real, and if He is God then He does not change. If He was real in Paul and Peter then He’s real for you and me. For the first time in my life I’m able to pray for miraculous healing, wisdom, or guidance with confidence that God answers. Every Christian prays and if asked will say they believe God hears them, but how many of us actually believe He’s going to do something awesome? I’ve seen Him answer prayers in supernatural ways. Unfortunately I was one of those people who had to see it before I truly believed it, but Jesus has said that “blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed.” I’m challenging you now, believe what God and His scripture says about the goodness and power of Himself. Once you believe it you’ll start seeing it as well and your life will get wrecked in the most beautiful way possible.

Finally, and possibly most importantly, I have a new appreciation for “those other Christians.” We all have our little bubbles that we like. Even if you call yourself “nondenominational” or “interdenominational” you’re still mostly surrounded by brothers and sisters who think and act mostly like you. My bubble prior to the World Race was the bubble that focused more on the fruits of the Spirit rather than His gifts, that focused more on reverence to God rather than loving Him. Many of my squadmates prefer to focus on love over reverence; and others prefer to focus on His love for us over returning that love. Each “bubble” reflects different attributes of God beautifully and has unique strengths that God uses to build His kingdom, and yet for some reason we can’t stand each other. There are stereotypes and false images, or even misunderstandings. My first training camp with the World Race was extremely confusing to me because they used an entirely different lingo than I’m used to, a different dialect to my “Christianese” per se. But after months of intentional conversations I finally understand these people! And our strengths compliment each others’ weaknesses beautifully—almost as if we’re just different parts of the same body? Almost like God intended for us to work together? Hmm

It’s been a crazy year, and I still got another two months before it’s over! God has used it and will continue to use it for the rest of my life, I’m sure. I’m curious, so I’m gonna be that cliche blogger who asks you to comment how God has changed your life since January 1.