Well, we are here into Guatemala. A slight chest cold. But i am going strong. We got second place in this leg of the race. So, here are some pics that have been taken since i have arrived. We are blessed with a veiw of a volcano everyday we wake up. We experienced a earthquake last night from an errupting volcano. I am so lucky to have been called to live life in a radical way. We are hiking an active volcano tomorrow. The one that errupted. So i will post those pics in a couple days.

My first Volcano!

Katie, Hannah, and I

this is the view we see everyday we wake up.

this is a dinner theatre that we went to last night and watched the Prestiege. What a great movie!

I snuck up on some ladies doing some Thai Chi…they didnt know i was there for a while! Hahaha!

This is a preschool by our church, or is it a prison?????

Joy, praying

Clinton, praying

I will post pics from the Volcano trip as soon as I can. Begin praying for the hearts of Guatemala. We will be here for the next month. Stay tuned as I continue to keep you all updated.

I love you all!
As Iron sharpens iron