I was walking around at Larcarmar down by the beach, monday evening. I was approached by a man, about 60, saying, ï like your tattoo!¨ ¨Where did you get it?¨ he asked. I told him USA. He said, ¨your American!?¨ Yes sir, I replied. He shook my hand and said, ¨Welcome to Peru!¨ He introduced himslef as Roberto in broken English. I told him my name was Joshua. He said his sons name was Joshua. He even showed me his ID to prove it. Hahahah. Sure enough, it was. Roberto had asked me if I had ever heard of down syndrome. I told him yes, I have. Roberto asked me if I wanted to come and sit down on a nearby bench and meet his son Joshua. I said, ¨you bet!¨ Joshua was quick to introduce himself to me. He shook my hand. Joshua was about 14 years old. Roberto then pulled out a small brown paper bag. Out of it he unrolled these little pins. It was a man and woman holding hands.

Roberto said that he was going to give me two as a gift. One was for me and the other one was for my wife. So, where ever you are my dear, i have your pin! Hahaha! Anyway, Roberto proceeded to tell me that they were a free gift to me but if I wanted to donate something, it would be ok. ¨I am trying to raise enough money to get Joshua to the special Olympics,¨ said Roberto. I had already decided that I was going to help Joshua out. I couldnt help but think, God has brought them across my path for a reason. So, I stretched my arm back out in front of them and I said, ¨do you know what this is?¨ Robert sat quietly while he studied my tattoo. Then he said hubly, ¨no, i dont.¨ I proceeded to tell them both how it was Jesus on the cross and the Ladrones, or thieves on the side crosses. I told Roberto and Joshua all about Jesus Christ that evening. By the time I had left them both, they knew that Jesus was in their hearts.


This isnt the first time I have been able to share the gospel with my tattoo.

So many times I get judged for having tattoos or piercings. But, I am stepping out and using what I have to help advance the kingdom. Can you say that? You there, with no tattoos and no piercings… are doing what you can to advance the kingdom? Dont judge for God  will judge you the same.

1 Corinthians 4`11-13

To this present hour, we are both hungry and thirsty, and are poorly clothed, and are roughly treated, and are homeless, and we toil, working with our hands…When we are reviled, we bless…when we are persecuted, we endure… when we are slandered, we try to concilate… We have become as the scum of the Earth.

God loves us all. No matter if we are wealthy or poor. God has called us to love everyone. From the unlovely to our neighbor who at times, we cant stand. So I challenge you all today, put your judgements aside. Dont pick and choose who you are going to share Jesus with. I hope and pray God sends someone radical across your path. Someone who makes you uneasy, and I want you to love on them.

See what God does with that. It will rock your world.

As Iron sharpens Iron
