Many people have things that they hide behind in life. They use things as walls or barriers to keep people out. These things can cause problems with relationships. How can you have an intimate relationship with someone if they won’t ever let you into their heart? For some people, it is a trust that has to be earned before the wall will come down.


I have dealt with a wall in my life as well. Over the past 5 ½ months on the World Race, the Lord has been teaching, molding, and guiding me towards the man He has intended me to be. The opposite of sarcasm is servant hood. To lower the wall of making jokes and just opening it all up. You know, serving your brothers and sisters. For many years I have seen a few relationships hurt because of sarcasm. I use it for everything. If things get too serious, I will try to change the mood of the room with sarcasm. I have always been afraid to just open up and let people past my wall. I had been praying for God to take me to the next step for some time. He told me, “You want to go to the next step huh?” I said, “Yes I do.” “Well” God said, “Then you have some crap to deal with first, and then we will see about the rest.” Until I was ready to deal with it, I wasn’t going anywhere. So, the other day during a one on one session with G Black, he was able to dig deep and pull this out of me. The Lord has now just nixed sarcasm from my life. Not that I won’t ever use it again, just not as a wall covering who I really am.

Another issue I have prayed for the Lord to deal with is my pride. I have a hard time humbling myself sometimes and apologizing when I have done someone wrong. So the Lord has allowed me to go through some situations where I have had to swallow my pride and humble myself before people.

I knew that coming on the World Race was going to change my life, but what I have learned in just the first half of the year has wrecked my life for Jesus. For those of you who don’t get that, that’s a good thing. He is making me the man He wants me to be as well as the man of God that I desire to be. I will never make a good father or husband if I don’t lay down at the feet of Jesus and ask Him to show me what it means to be a son of God first.


Lord, thank you for bringing me to a place in my life, where I am ready to be stripped to the core. Thank you for never giving up on me. For always having patience and giving me that 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th chance to get things right. I am here to bring glory to your name Lord God Almighty!


As Iron sharpens Iron
