I have really enjoyed my time here at the Lighthouse Childrens Shelter. We have met and been blessed by everyone here on the campus. There are many precious children here. But there is one that i followed around for a day and want to introduce you to. I have given this little guy a nickname. SUMO. Yes just like a Sumo wrestler. He is so small but so strong. He likes to love on the children. Too hard sometimes, but it is true love non the less. So, here is a day in the life of SUMO:


He starts his day cooking breakfast for everyone.

and then its off to coach soccer

after that he plays the role of bouncer at the door. Regulating who is napping and who is playing.

Then while the kids are napping, he tends to the landscapping.

and even checks the garden for daily produce growth.

next he runs around front to check up on the AC to make sure the babies arent too hot or too cold.

While he is in mechanic mode, he runs into the garage to put new chains on the kids bikes for them.

Then its off to the pool to make sure its staying clean.

he ends his day with an hour of Yoga and some time in his favorite lawn chair.

After I followed him around for the day, he began to get irritated with me and fled to his private quarters. That last thing he told me before he shut the door was, ” You dont have to go home, but you can’t stay here!”   I wasn’t shocked at all due to the hard and demanding day i just witnessed him endure.

God bless you Sumo my brother. Your a hard working man for the kingdom.

As Iron sharpens Iron
