Check this video out:

So, after blasting out a wall that wasnt supposed to be blasted, and getting the church project delayed about a week. We have finally began our church building project up on the sand dunes of Lomo.

It all started with a steep hill filled with garbage and tons of sand. And a few rusty tools that had seen better days. We joked about getting this job done with one person and a bobcat. But we had to make the best of what we were delt. So, we were about to move many tons of sand with short shovels.

By the end of the first day we had accomplished a lot. The trash was either gone or covered up. And the hill was almost level to the eye. The next day we began to fill about 100+ sand bags to place along the perimmeter of the church grounds. To keep it from washing away. Not that they ever get rain here. But, you know. Once the ground was level, we had to wet it down to help pack the sand down. So, Bob bought a whole truck of water. Only $20 for the whole thing. I of course manned the hose from the truck like a fireman putting out fire. I was spraying water everywhere. Yes, you know i was spraying the kids too. I love those lil guys. Hahaha! We ended up with about a half of truck of water. So, we told the community to round up their water barrels and we gave the rest of the truck of water to them as a gift. They were so excited.The second day was also devoted to building the walls and having them ready to throw up by the third day. So once the walls were built, the ground was level, it was time to start throwing the walls into place. It was very satisfying to finally see this thing come together and begin to look like a church.

SUnday we are having our first service in the church that we built. This is so huge for this community. The drunks of the community were not too happy about the church at first, but you can see how this new structure and the thought of having a church around is really starting to bring the whole community together. Praise God!!!

Here are some pics from the construction process as of yesterday. Continue to pray that God raises people up from Lomo to be church leaders. And that they are willing to be teachable and discipled as men and women of God.

And we usually end our day in Lomo with a volleyball game with the locals. Not a bad veiw of Lima either.

Please keep Lomo in your prayers as Satan is going to be attacking them more then ever. Pray for a hedge of protection for the whole community.

As Iron shaprens Iron
